HLPartnership and 360 Lifecycle help advisers grow their business in lockdown
HLPartnership (HLP) and 360 Lifecycle have been working closely with advisers to grow their businesses with surprising results.
Throughout lockdown, 360 Lifecycle ran free Zoom training sessions to guide HLP advisers to use technology in new ways to generate business. With more time at home, advisers had the opportunity to develop their skills in areas which had previously been low priority. HLPartnership and 360 Lifecycle joined forces to give members of the Network a better understanding of the potential of 360 Lifecycle, in managing their customer data and sales process by using technology to re-engage old clients, keep in touch with existing clients and build relationships with prospects.
Through a programme of webinars exploring CRM, sales process and administration techniques, HLP’s 600 advisers now understand the importance and impact an effective IT platform can achieve.
360 Lifecycle has seen a 113% uplift in activity since March as advisers have used the 360 Lifecycle technology to generate business. These short sessions encouraged advisers, who typically prefer face to face meetings, to work with the technology to make their own leads.
Before lockdown the training was only offered to new starters at the Network but as the results have been so positive, HLP is rolling it out to all of its network.
Ozgur Unlu, CEO of 360 Lifecycle, said: “As we went into lockdown the property market was put on hold and those of us in the mortgage advice sector had to work ten times as hard to keep afloat. What HLPartnership did at this time is remarkable. By making full use of the back-office function to re-engage old clients and contact leads, they were able to drive more mortgage business through once the property market opened up again. It just goes to show what you can do when you combine really good people with cutting-edge technology.
“So many business owners under-use their technology and miss out on potential new clients. If there is one good thing to come from this pandemic, I hope that mortgage advisers will use technology more to help them work smarter and grow their businesses. We are here to help the adviser community and can support them with training to help them achieve this.”
Shaun Almond, Managing Director at HLPartnership said: “These last few months have been challenging for the mortgage and insurance advice community and we wanted to do all we could to help our partners. It was great to be able to work with 360 Lifecycle and help advisers to generate business at this time. The training was first class and we had excellent feedback from those who attended. We will be offering more of this type of training in the future to support our advisers.”
Feedback from advisers who attended training
Nik Travis, Lyonhurst Mortgages Ltd, commented: “Being a new Appointed Representative in HLPartnership I found the 360 webinars very useful. I was using 360 in order to follow the sale process. It was therefore a real eye opener to see its full capabilities. We have already implemented some changes following the events and these are having a positive impact on how we work.”
Daniel Bell, Bell Financial Solutions Ltd, commented: “For a mere 30 minutes of my time I was able to gain tips week after week that allowed me to keep engaged with my clients. Time well spent that invested means I will save so much more in the long run with managing my business. 360 has saved me several spreadsheets and several manual processes – I literally didn’t know what was at my fingertips! Fantastic bite sized sessions presented perfectly in a quick-fire manner that kept me interested.”